Home Vitae Research Teaching


I am an applied theorist and a member of the Finance Theory Group.

Working Papers and Works in Progress

Price Constraints in Decentralized Markets (Draft Coming Soon)
with Edward Van Wesep and Brian Waters
Price constraints in decentralized markets can increase prices and volume

House Price Dynamics and Mortgage Default Risk
with Michael Woeppel
Slow-moving lender beliefs can explain observed patterns in mortgages, house prices

Comparables-Constrained Asset Prices
with Edward Van Wesep and Brian Waters
Asset pricing where prices constrained by prices in recent transactions

Published and Forthcoming

Earnings Performance Targets in Annual Incentive Plans and Management Earnings Guidance
with Xiumin Martin, Hojun Seo, Jun Yang, and Daniel Kim
The Accounting Review, 98(4): 289-319, 2023

Ratings and Cooperative Information Transmission [Code]
with Edward Van Wesep and Robert Van Wesep
Management Science, 68(12): 9175-9197, 2022

Learning by Owning in a Lemons Market [Code]
with Brian Waters and Kenneth Mirkin
Journal of Finance, 77(3): 1737-1785, 2022

A Theory of Financial Media
with Eitan Goldman and Jan Schneemier
Journal of Financial Economics, 145(1): 239-258, 2022

Short Papers

Quality, Price, and Time-on-Market
Solo authored.
Economics Letters, 171: 97-101, 2018.